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  • Optimization of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization for the Crude Oil Analysis Using Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry” Jandyson M. Santos, Marcos A. Pudenzi,  Alberto Wisniewski Jr., Márcia C. Breitkreitz and Marcos N. Eberlin. Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, aceito para publicação (2018). 
  • Nanohybrid hydrogels designed for transbuccal anesthesia” Lígia Nunes de Morais Ribeiro, Michelle Franz-Montan, Márcia Cristina Breitkreitz, Gustavo Henrique Rodrigues da Silva, Simone Ramos de Castro, Viviane Aparecida Guilherme, Daniele Ribeiro de Araújo, Eneida de Paula. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 13 (2018) 6453-6463.
  • Comparison of different chemometric methods to extract chemical and physical information from Raman images of homogeneous and heterogeneous semi-solid pharmaceutical formulations”  Hery Mitsutake, Simone R. Castro, Eneida de Paula,  Ronei J. Poppi, Douglas N. Rutledge, Márcia C. Breitkreitz. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 552, (2018) 119-129.
  • Study of the chromatographic parameters of ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography and method development using a design of experiments approach for the quantification of pesticides in lettuce” Karen P. de Lima, Isabel Cristina S. F. Jardim, Márcia C. Breitkreitz. Journal of Separation Science 16 (2018) 1-7.
  • Conversion of D-Fructose to 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural: Evaluating Batch and Continuous Flow Conditions by Design of Experiments and In-line FTIR Monitoring” Renan Galaverna, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Julio C. Pastre.  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (2018) 4220-4230.
  • Development of Bupivacaine (S75:R25)-loaded in nanostructured lipid carriers: validation of a HPLC drug-quantification method and physicochemical stability study” Gustavo H. Rodrigues da Silva, Lígia N. M. Ribeiro, Viviane A. Guilherme, Simone R. Castro, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Eneida de Paula. Current Drug Delivery, 15 (2018) 388-396.
  • Revisiting quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe parameters for sample preparation in pesticide residue analysis of lettuce by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry” Fernanda R. B. Konatu, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Isabel Cristina S. F. Jardim. Journal of Chromatography A 1482 (2017) 11-22. 
  • Natural lipids-based NLC containing lidocaine: from pre-formulation to in vivo studies” Ligia Ribeiro, Márcia C Breitkreitz, Viviane A Guilherme, Gustavo H. da Silva, Verônica M. Couto, Simone R. Castro, Bárbara O. de Paula, Daisy Machado, Eneida de Paula. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 106 (2017) 102–112.
  • Telechelic Poly (Bisphenol A Carbonate) Synthesis by Glycolysis: a Response Surface Methodology Approach" Thiago Rufino, Márcia Cristina Breitkreitz, Maria Izabel Felisberti. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56 (2017) 3983−3992.
  • Optimised NLC: a nanotechnological approach to improve the anaesthetic effect of bupivacaine” Gustavo H. Rodrigues da Silva, Lígia N.M. Ribeiro, Hery Mitsutake, Viviane A. Guilherme, Simone R. Castro, Ronei J. Poppi, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Eneida de Paula. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 529 (2017) 253–263
  • Study of the Effect of the Operating Parameters on the Separation of Bioactive Compounds of Palm Oil by Ultra-High Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography using a Design of Experiments Approach” Luciana de Souza Guedes, Isabel Cristina S. F. Jardim, Lucilia V. de Melo,  Marisa M. Beppu, Marcia C. Breitkreitz, Cesar C. Santana. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 999 (2017) 1-9.
  • Classical least squares combined with spectral interval selection using genetic algorithm for prediction of constituents in pharmaceutical solid dosage forms from near infrared chemical imaging data” Guilherme L. Alexandrino, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Ronei J. Poppi, Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24 (2016) 157-169.
  • Nanostructured lipid carriers as robust systems for topical lidocaine-prilocaine release in dentistry” Lígia N.M. Ribeiro, Michelle Franz-Montan, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Ana C.S. Alcântara, Simone R. Castro, Viviane A. Guilherme, Raquel M. Barbosa, Eneida de Paula. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 93 (2016) 192–202.
  • A didactic chemometris experiment for design of experiments (DOE): evaluation of experimental conditions for the spectrophotometric determination of iron II with o-phenanthroline. A tutorial, part III” Márcia C. Breitkreitz, André M. Souza, Ronei J. Poppi. Quimica Nova, 37(2014) 564-573.  
  • Teaching experiment of chemometrics for multivariate calibration for determination of paracetamol in commercial tablets using near infrared spectroscopy: a tutorial, part II” André M. de Souza, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Jarbas J. R. Rowhedder, Ronei J. Poppi.  Química Nova 36 (2013) 1057-1065. Raman Imaging Spectroscopic characterization of modified poly(dimethylsiloxane) for micro total analysis systems applications” Richard P. S. de Campos, Ines Valéria P. Yoshida, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Ronei J. Poppi, José Alberto F. da Silva.  Spectrochimica Acta A 100 (2013) 67-71.  
  • Characterization of semi-solid Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SEDDS) of atorvastatin calcium by Raman image spectroscopy and chemometrics” Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Guilherme P. Sabin, Griselda Polla, Ronei J. Poppi.  Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 73 (2013) 3-12. 
  • Trends in Raman Chemical Imaging” Márcia C. Breitkreitz and Ronei J. Poppi. Biomedical Spectroscopy Imaging 2 (2012) 159-183. 
  • Construction of a new functional platform by grafting poly (4-vinylpyridine) in multi-walled carbon nanotubes for complexing copper ions aiming the amperometric detection of L-cysteine” Cecilia Castro e Silva, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Murilo Santhiago, C. C. Correa, Lauro T. Kubota. Electrochimica Acta  71 (2012) 150-158. 
  • Development of an algorithm for identification and correction of spikes in Raman imaging spectroscopy”  Guilherme P. Sabin, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, André M. Souza, Ronei J. Poppi.  Quím. Nova 3 (2012) 612-615. 
  • Analysis of pharmaceutical pellets: an approah using near-infrared chemical imaging” Guilherme P Sabin, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, André M. Souza, Patricia Fonseca, Lupercio Calefe, Mário Moffa, Ronei J. Poppi.  Analytica Chimica Acta 706 (2011) 113-119. 
  • Combined column-mobile phase mixture statistical design optimization of high performance liquid chromatography analysis of multicomponent” Márcia C Breitkreitz, Isabel C. S. F. Jardim, Roy E. Bruns.  Journal of Chromatography A. 1216 (2009) 1439-1449.  
  • Unreplicated split-plot mixture designs and statistical models for optimizing mobile chromatographic phase and extraction solutions for fingerprint searches” Cleber N. Borges, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Roy E Bruns, L. M. C Silva, Ieda S Scarminio.  Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 89 (2007) 82-89. 
  • Statistical designs and response surface techniques for the optimization of chromatographic systems” Sérgio L. C. Ferreira, Roy E. Bruns, E. G. P. Silva, W. N. L. Santos, C. M. Quintella, J. M. David, Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Isabel C. S. F. Jardim,  Benício B. Neto. J. Chromatogr. A 1158 (2007) 2 - 14. 
  • Determination of total sulphur in diesel employing NIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration” Márcia C. Breitkreitz, Ivo M. Raimundo Jr., Jarbas J. R. Rohwedder, Célio Pasquini, Heronides A. Dantas Filho, Gledson E. José, Mário C. U. Araújo. Analyst 128 (2003) 1204-1207.